Lo strumento di laserterapia adatto ad
ogni fase del trattamento

Un approccio completo basato sull'utilizzo della luce per alleviare il dolore, guarire i tessuti e prolungare i risultati.

Happy dogs and cat

Gli obiettivi cambiano in base alle diverse fasi del trattamento in atto sul paziente. Il Laser Therapy Continuum of Care (continuità di cura con la laserterapia) è un piano di trattamento completo sviluppato per fornirti tutti gli strumenti di laserterapia non invasivi necessari al raggiungimento dei tuoi obiettivi clinici.

Heal Tissue

After the pain is under control, targeted treatments support tissue healing. Treatment protocols are highly targeted at the source of tissue dysfunction for cellular repair.

Heal Tissue

After the pain is under control, targeted treatments support tissue healing. Treatment protocols are highly targeted at the source of tissue dysfunction for cellular repair.

Allevia il dolore.

I protocolli di trattamento impiegano una maggiore potenza per bloccare il dolore e preparare i pazienti alla guarigione dei tessuti. I protocolli sono progettati per trattare grandi aree per affrontare la fonte e i siti di riferimento del dolore.

Heal Tissue

After the pain is under control, targeted treatments support tissue healing. Treatment protocols are highly targeted at the source of tissue dysfunction for cellular repair.

Maintain Relief

After short-term resolution is achieved, chronic conditions require on-going treatment. Simple treatment programs address the target area for long-term relief.
Narrowly target damaged tissue with Super Pulsed technology designed to jump-start damaged cells. Use on wounds for added infection control benefits with blue light.
ACTIVet PRO LaserShower
Narrowly target damaged tissue with Super Pulsed technology designed to jump-start damaged cells. Use on wounds for added infection control benefits with blue light.
Dispositivo di classe 4 ad alta potenza per un rapido sollievo dal dolore. Impiega il Priority Principle (“Principio di Priorità”), la tecnologia brevettata da Multi Radiance, atta ad ottimizzare i risultati in base alle caratteristiche del paziente.
ACTIVet PRO Series
Narrowly target damaged tissue with Super Pulsed technology designed to jump-start damaged cells. Use on wounds for added infection control benefits with blue light.
Improve outcomes, client compliance, and add a new revenue stream to your practice with the My Pet Laser 2.0 take-home device. Prescribe one of the 5 built-in protocols to lock in clinical outcomes.
My Pet Laser 2.0

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